Radar Imagery

All of the weather radars featured below are "live" links, meaning that as the web page draws, your browser will load the "latest" weather images. Please be sure to check the datestamp on each image... and remember that Green Bay is 5 hours behind GMT during the summer (6 hours winter). This page Reloads every 300 seconds.

WX9GRB, the Webmaster, and the sponsor of this website assume no responsibility or liability concerning the material presented here. It is provided for reference only. All spotters must use common sense, and consider personal safety.

WUnderground image of Duluth MNWUnderground image of Marquette, MN

The above images are WUnderground images of Duluth (left) and Marquette (right) radars. Marquette is Eastern Time, so it is normal to be an hour ahead. You may click on them for greater details. Below is the radar view for Green Bay.

WUnderground view of Green Bay, WI

Above is the Green Bay radar, and below are LaCrosse (left) and Milwaukee (right). Again, you may click on them to reveal a larger image for LaCrosse and Milwaukee.

WUnderground radar image of LaCrosse, WIWUnderground image of Milwaukee, WI